Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Fuck. I've had enough.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I think I'm spending too much time in hospital. If I were to listen to my tutor, I ought to go home early every day to study. If I dunno the correct techniques, I'm juz wasting time going thru the wrong steps every time I check out a new sign. But when the pre-ops come in only around 5, there's not much choice.

Hmm. Even within a dept there's also politics. Witnessing how a certain doc got bashed by his superior, I kinda wished I wasn't there cos it's so embarrassing. Will our ego and pride undergo such battering in the future? Hope not. Gd thing is as students we won't get embroiled into such affairs.

Uro next 2 weeks. A fresh change. Seeing the same patients every morning can be stifling. It's nice to be able to follow a patient from entry to exit, but there are those who have stayed like what..past 100 days and yet show little signs of improvement. Uro dept docs have a bawdy sense of humour. Haha.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Went back for MAF on sat. Haha i honestly didn't know about slipped my mind until the night before, at 10 plus pm at tampines mrt when i met Ms Wong! Yeah, I had nite duty. The HO hong ai was very friendly. In fact he ran out of things for us to do - we helped set IV plugs, do ECG, draw blood, and after 9 plus he said we could go home. So off we went. We still had lecture next morning at 9 am. And on the way home I met Ms Wong. She looks the same, but sadly she's leaving for shanghai.

MAF was muted. Certainly not as rousing as the previous years. The crowd was smaller too. The grand light up wasn't spectacular at all, compared to our time. I didn't take many photos.. juz these few. Haha btw only me n yq from 79 were there. So we were with the juniors most of the time. I can't believe I joined in the mass dance.

Finally back into the studying swing. I've been slacking too much.

At the central plaza

At one of the benches. Yeah we had nothing to do when we arrived early before dinner. So we took out our notes to study. =P

Me and wenyang

Me with jiaxin ivan jianhui

Me and neo

Me and qichang

At the jap restaurant on my bday

Post bday dinner

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Haven't had time to blog lately. Can't help it. There's always something better to spend my time on ha. Yep, celebrated my 21st bday! I honestly don't feel my age. It's certainly not a stark transition. Growing older means having more responsibilities I suppose, and I don't like that. For one, I should change my wardrobe. Chuck my berms aside and dress my age. Anyway, thank you all who celebrated my bday with me!! Earlier, later and on the day itself! I promise to flaunt the presents! Thanks for your well wishes too =p

This is the second week into surgery at CGH. I muz be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Why? Because the day starts at 7.30. Which means I have to wake up latest 5.50 every day. Yeah.. I concede that is still later than other pple who live far away (like in boon lay) but it's still too early for me! It's a battle trying to pull myself outta bed every morning. If not for the new bus I take to tampines downstairs, it'll prolly be earlier.

Surgery is intriguing. Haha. I've seen the insides of cadavers, but live humans are a different matter. So.. I didn't go into OT during e clinics, and monday was the first time I assisted in an op! Yeah my tutor is superb. Cool, calm, knowledgable, witty.. I didn't do much, juz helped maintain the field using the retractor, cut thread, and staple up the wound with a big stapler. Did feel the liver, gallbladder and duodenum and looked thru the choledochoscope!

I was flipping thru my hc photos, and I found one taken during the mass dance on the first day in hc. Me and my dance partner, who is my clerking buddy! Ok coincidence.