Monday, July 02, 2007

Now.. defunct

Before I met you,
I was soulless and wretched,
Merely breathing to sustain this meaningless existence,
Not for myself,
But because I have no choice.

Dejected, doleful, bleary.
Seeking to fill that emptiness,
Guardedly accepting any kindness,
Telling myself it may just be an illusion,
Or an ephemeral joy.

Until you came.

You gave me life.
For you, I continued this existence.
To see you every day.
To make you smile.
To laugh with you.
To listen to your troubles.
To make your sorrow mine.
Just to be there.
For you.
With you.

You are the only reason I have,
And the only I need.
Nothing is insurmountable
As long as you are around.
You are all that matters;
Nothing else does.

Thank you for your kindness.

Now you are walking away.
My world is gone,
For you mean the world to me.
You are etched,
Though I am just a footprint
That will soon be washed away.

Tormented, languished, defunct.
Back to being a corpse,
Only that I am no longer seeking
For you can never be replaced.

Please be happy.