Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I did surveying today. The person in charge, Sallie, was super nice! Kept telling me you can do it, if you face any problems, and want to vent your grouses, juz give me a call.. haa and mebbe after her encouragement I can do better. No need for that, cos so far it was ok. The survey itself is easy, juz have to tick away. Had trouble asking them to leave their contact numbers but at least they were willing to leave their email. Some questions I got:

"How old are you?"
"Are you poly student?"
"Are you a financial adviser?"
"Can I have your namecard please?"

Haa professional sia. 2 people even thought I was working as a financial adviser. The briefing by Sallie was useful, Financial Advisers Act by MAS in October 2002, exempted consultants, licensed consultants, etc.. Hope it gets better.